Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Present Nail Art

For this nail art design, I decided to recreate a traditional Christmas present design. I think this my favorite I've done so far this year! It's so simple (again, I know lol) but I love the contrast, not just between colors, but also in finish. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

For my base, I used 2 coats of 'Paper Mache' by Finger Paints (again, I know, but I love that white!) and hand painted the lines or 'ribbon' using Zoya Chyna: a sparkly red textured polish. To create the lines, I used a small nail art brush and for the center of the bow, I used a tiny rhinestone stud.

I apologize for my awkward hand pose; this was the best I could do to line up the 'ribbons' haha XD The rhinestone I used for the center of the bow is from a variety sized pack I bought from Born Pretty Store ( 

Like I said, the lines were my handiwork, hence why there are lopsided, and now that I look back at it, maybe I should've used some striping tape for assistance XD Regardless, this is still my favorite design I did this year; I love how the white contrasts against the red and how the textured polish pops off the creme polish. I hope you like this too!



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